There comes a time in our faith journey when we become cognizant of the fact that we yearn to deepen our relationship with God. Very often this occurs after a period of time in which we were so engrossed in our daily tasks, occupations, and responsibilities that we gradually lost contact with God. Hence, we discover that our limited discussions with the Lord lack the closeness and intimacy they once had and that our visits to the Lord at church occur with a paucity of fervor and reverence. However, the Holy Spirit touches our heart at a moment of grace to encourage us to search for the Lord with renewed passion. Not surprisingly, this often occurs when we come before the Bread of Life.


            Many years ago, I experienced a period of spiritual dryness that was weakening my zeal for God and His service. At some point, I nervously acknowledged that it was vital that I spend more prayer time in church. I approached the Blessed Sacrament to pray, and, as I was praying before His divine presence, the Spirit of God helped me understand that I needed to deepen my relationship with the Lord. I remained there for Mass that day and attempted to pray attentively and fervently.


            For the next several days and weeks I visited the tabernacle, remained for Mass, and prayed ardently. As I drew closer to Christ Jesus I became increasingly aware of how I had lost contact with God, and how depthless and superficial I had allowed my prayer and sacramental life to become. The presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament gradually renewed me, and our conversations slowly regained their previous closeness and intimacy as I attended daily Mass.

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Imagine you have been entrusted with the task of delivering a challenging message to a person or group that is extremely likely to reject it. What do you do? Almighty God instructs you that He is sending you with a message, but you will be encountered with either a rebellious spirit, a profound stubbornness, or an obstinate heart. Nevertheless, you must deliver the message.

Veteran pastoral ministers and servant leaders are not unfamiliar with this prophetic experience that we read about in the book of the Prophet Ezekiel (2:2-5). How difficult it is to speak with people who are unwilling to listen! But when “Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for His mercy,” (Ps 123 [122]), we somehow are able to go forth, prophesy, and fulfill our mission.

A Prophet Is Not Without Honor Except…

This biblical passage from the book of Ezekiel is part of the readings for the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B). These particular readings speak to the hearts of preachers and ministry teams devoted to Evangelization. Occasionally, we may “become too elated, because of the abundance of the revelations,” (2nd reading – 2 Corinthians 12:7-10) or the abundance of wonderful deeds that have occurred through our apostolate. However, it is experiences like Ezekiel’s that remind us that without God we are nothing and cannot accomplish anything truly fruitful. No matter how challenging is the task we are confronting or how powerless we may feel, our Lord reminds us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for [My] power is made perfect in weakness.” (2nd reading)

Surprisingly, Jesus Christ felt somewhat “powerless” when He came to His native place and began to teach in the synagogue. We read in Mark’s Gospel (chapter 6:1-6) that the people who listened knew His family and background and did not embrace Him, rather they became uncomfortable, raised questions concerning His authority, and felt ashamed and humiliated as He spoke. Therefore, “He was not able to perform any mighty deed there.” Along with the two readings from Ezekiel and 2nd Corinthians, this Markan Gospel passage offers us three fundamental words to help address within our ministries some of the challenges we may encounter in the work of Evangelization. These connected words are authority, familiarity, and humility. Briefly defining these terms will serve to inform how our ministries can overcome certain obstacles that arise in our mission to proclaim the Good News.

Continue reading “Building Up Prophets with Honor Within Our Ministries”


            Challenging life experiences and intimidating circumstances constantly remind us that we need to continuously rebuild our confidence in God. As I reflected on Scripture and our world this week, this word – confidence – emphatically stands out. It is a word that not only the disciples struggled with, but also the people of Israel and Judah.


            Long ago in the ancient world, a powerful empire emerged in the north of Mesopotamia. Assyria was a mighty force, feared by numerous regions, and was an intimidating presence to Israel and Judah. This empire took pride in their dominion and arrogantly strove to displace God as the supreme ruler of the world. For their outright rejection of the Lord and their usurping ambitions, God eventually punished them. Isaiah the prophet proclaimed:

“The LORD of hosts has sworn: As I have resolved, so shall it be; As I have planned, so shall it stand: To break the Assyrian in my land and trample him on my mountains; Then his yoke shall be removed from them, and his burden from their shoulder. This is the plan proposed for the whole earth, and this the hand outstretched over all the nations. The LORD of hosts has planned; who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out; who can turn it back?” (Is 14:24-27)

Continue reading “The Difference it Makes When Our Confidence is in God”

sacred heart of jesus novena prayers

When Christians pray for nine days for a special occasion or intention they are participating in novena prayers. The first novena ever prayed occurred immediately after Jesus ascended to heaven. The Sacred Scriptures tell us, “When they entered the city [of Jerusalem] they went to the upper room where they were staying, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” (Acts 1:13-14) 

The Apostles and other disciples gathered in the upper room together with Mother Mary and prayed for the descent of the Holy Spirit as Jesus had promised. For nine days, they prayerfully gathered until the feast of Pentecost. Certainly, this must have been a powerful nine-day experience as many present-day novenas are. Novena prayers also offer us some extra good news. In addition to obtaining a particular favor by praying a novena, there are five benefits of doing novena prayers that we gain and that I would like to share with you.

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I’m certain most people reading this will recognize the name Samuel, particularly since we hear about him at Mass these days. It is in the Old Testament that we read about a woman – his mother – named Hannah, who was barren for many years until God eventually blessed her with a son. In gratitude to the Lord, she dedicates her boy, Samuel, to serve at the shrine of Shiloh under Eli the priest. One night, the young Samuel heard his name being called at a late hour. However, when the young one approached Eli three times, the latter responded the first and second time, “I did not call you, go back to sleep.” Then, the third time, he perceived clearly what was happening and instructed the young Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” (1 Sam 3:1-10)

Why would God call Samuel?

Certainly, many have wondered why God would elect to call someone like him at such a young age. This naturally leads to the question: “Who does God call?” I reflected upon this when I read the book Awakening Vocation, by Edward P. Hahnenberg. It examines the history of how vocation has been understood and challenges its readers to rethink vocation in light of a revitalized theology of grace. Indeed, God yearns to communicate Himself to all people. Therefore, He also invites all people to know, love, and serve Him.

As we saw with Samuel, a vocation is formed when God calls.

Indeed, His call is ultimately one that has as the primary goal the salvation and sanctification of souls. Nevertheless, when we consider the term vocation, we are reminded – as Hahnenberg stated in his book – that, “for centuries, Catholicism restricted the category of vocation to the priesthood and religious life.” Lay people were “those who were not clergy, those ‘who were not consecrated for the service of God.’” (Hahnenberg, 7) Holiness and evangelical action were seen as belonging only to the monks, to those consecrated to the religious life, and to the clergy. The lay faithful were viewed as people who lived in the world and only involved in worldly affairs, and they were viewed quite negatively. However, Vatican II emphasized that all Christians in every state of life are called to holiness, and now “three vocations stand out in postconciliar Catholic teaching as the paradigmatic way of living out the universal call to holiness: ordained ministry, consecrated life, and the lay life.” (41)

Continue reading “Vocation of the Laity”

The first of January seemingly possesses the power to motivate us to dream again, formulate new goals, and take up new tasks. Our journey during the previous three hundred and sixty-five days probably had its share of pleasant, successful, dismal, and disappointing moments. Therefore, many receive the beginning of a new year with great hope and optimism as it represents a fresh start from a challenging one. Surely, we eagerly await beginning anew and living a prosperous year.

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions express our resolve and determination to complete actions that will improve our lives. These are decisions based on either past experiences, personal development, or wants and desires. Yet, we often struggle with carrying them through until the end of the year. We wonder whether it is because our commitment fades over time, our perseverance and strength deplete, or our new resolutions are too ambitious. However, we could be overlooking other crucial factors that are hidden in a parable shared by Jesus of Nazareth.  

Continue reading “Following Through On Life-Changing Resolutions”

“Mom? Dad? Where do babies come from?” one of my children asked recently. Someone might detect a bit of sarcasm if I were to state that this is every parent’s favorite question. We wait with anxiety for this inquiry to be asked! But let’s be realistic: it is probably not every parent’s preferred one. Oh… how about, “Dad? How do babies enter into a mommy’s stomach and how do they come out?” This query certain triumphs over the previous one.  

Continue reading “How to Experience a New Life in Christ”

            Recently, a lay minister reflected upon an experience she underwent at her parish. They had assembled an Evangelization ministry to begin offering Bible and Faith Formation classes to adults. One Sunday, she was requested by the celebrant to briefly speak about this formational opportunity to the parishioners before the final blessing and inquire who would be interested. When she asked the congregation of about 150 people, less than five individuals raised their hand expressing a desire to participate. She was certainly disappointed.

            The lack of interest some Catholics have in deepening their understanding and appreciation of the Catholic Faith is a cause for concern. If Catholics do not know why the Church teaches what it teaches, then it becomes increasingly difficult to comprehend, explain, and defend the Faith. Consequently, it increases the likelihood that they will gradually become less dedicated to the Catholic Church and her teachings.

            As pastoral ministers, we ought to examine why this has been occurring in our parishes, determine what should be done about it, and respond prudently to this crucial issue. We must begin by looking at what the history of our parish is when it comes to evangelization. How have we attempted to motivate our parishioners in the past and how can we effectively encourage them today? How have we endeavored to engage them in the parish’s various catechetical and faith forming programs and services? How do the faithful presently understand and celebrate the sacraments? What instructions and teachings have they heard and received on Catholicism? How have we used the opportunities that have arisen to form our parishioners in the Catholic Faith? These are some of the questions that an Evangelization ministry may need to discuss not only to better examine the cause of the disinterest or lack of enthusiasm some of our churchgoers have in faith formation but to also formulate the necessary pastoral approach to Evangelization that their particular parish needs. 

Do you want to proclaim the Good News convincingly and to transform lives for Christ?

Then, the following six things are essential for an effective Evangelization program and ministry: 

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            Not too long ago, a Catholic lay minister named “John” (not his real name) approached me to discuss a concern he has with his parish’s lay evangelization ministry. In addition to their parish’s weekly prayer service of fifty participants, this ministry organizes and facilitates a quarterly Catholic Evangelization Congress for their deanery that gathers between three to five hundred people. Consequently, some lay ministers have given greater importance to the major quarterly religious services they organize for their deanery than to their parish’s weekly prayer service, going to tremendous lengths to bring renowned speakers that would draw the greatest number of participants. This is frustrating to John because these lay ministers have expressed minimal interest in discovering how to engage many of these participants more effectively. Unfortunately, a significant number of them do not attend the prayer services—and seldom attend the Sunday Mass as well—unless a popular Catholic (ordained) minister is participating. John wonders if the ministry is providing a disservice by ignoring this issue…

Continue reading “The Definition of True Discipleship”

            I cannot envision my life without God. Thanks to His grace and mercy, I said yes to the Lord’s request years ago to enter into a committed relationship with Him. He accompanies and upholds me as I experience the blisses and hardships of human life. Jesus Christ is the core of my existence, devotion, and day-to-day living. However, this was not always the case.

How Important Is This Relationship With God

            When I reflect on my past, I recall an era in which God was not as important to me as He is now. Nevertheless, I’m regularly humbled due to how insufficient my faith and love can occasionally be. Some would concur that growing closer to God is a lifelong process. Therefore, we will constantly struggle against temptation, vice, and sin as we seek to grow in holiness. If we are honest, the majority of us can relate to this experience. Do we not all struggle with the calling to live entirely for God and His glory?    

            As I meditate on the Word of God these days, a variety of questions arise that I want to share with you. When was the last time I sincerely assessed how much I value my spiritual life? How important is my relationship with God compared to my other relationships? Does the Lord truly take precedence in my life over the material objects I possess? Do I wholeheartedly proclaim the greatness of the Lord and rejoice in God my savior? (Lk 1:46-47)

Continue reading “How to Sell All to Gain Treasures in Heaven”